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Diverse Learning Needs

Good Samaritan Catholic Primary School values the worth of each individual and promotes respect for the dignity of all people. We encourage all students to strive for their best and provide an inclusive educational environment where students’ strengths are harnessed to enable them to reach their potential. Good Samaritan is a school where every student is seen as an individual and where diversity is the norm and is celebrated. Our focus on justice and dignity of the individual ensures that all students have equal access to the many dimensions of school life.

At Good Samaritan, we ensure that all students participate and engage in courses and programs. We do this by making reasonable adjustments to ensure students with disabilities and students who are high achievers can actively be involved in courses and curriculum offered by the school.

When a student presents with learning needs a team of teachers clusters around the student through a collaborative system, which involves parents, to ensure that the student is tracked and monitored whilst the student is at the school.

Some students have Personal Plans which specifically identify the student’s needs. Parents meet regularly throughout the year with teachers to make reasonable goals which continually focus on the academic and social emotional learning of the child. This collaborative work then informs teaching practice hence making a direct impact on student growth and achievement.

Good Samaritan liaises with pre-schools prior to enrolment as well as making contact with outside professionals where necessary in order to wrap all support around the student. 

For more information, view our CEDoW Diverse Learning Needs Policy


Amaroo: Learning Support Centre and Autism Specific Classes

The Aboriginal meaning of the word 'Amaroo' is ‘beautiful place’. It is also Good Samaritan’s alternative education setting for students who require intensive specialised interventions in an Autism Support Class or Intellectual Support Class.

The specialist setting is viewed as an intervention for each student for a particular point in time in their learning. The goal for each student who accesses Amaroo is to return to the regular general setting of the school. This is determined by individual needs, and in consultation with parents and carers.

For a student to be offered a placement in Amaroo, an appropriate validated diagnosis will be required. Placement in this setting is completed in conjunction with the school’s enrolment process and School Improvement Specialist Support of Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong.